Monday, May 25, 2020

A Report On Alexander The Great Essay - 1269 Words

Sukh Singh Period 2 December 4, 2014 Synopsis I did my this day in history report on Alexander the Great. Alexander the great is known for many things. He was king of Macedonia, a military genius, and the greatest conqueror of all time-to name a few. Alexander was taught by many great minds, perhaps most responsible for his greatness was Aristotle. Alexander was given many hard tasks and tremendous responsibilities as a child and teen, which he carried out with ease. As an adult king, Alexander ruled over Macedonia and kept it safe from invasion and rebellion. He then sought to conquer as much of the world as possible. When Alexander was about 30, a feat in itself, he ruled over the biggest empire in the history of the world (this record still stands today). Alexander the great died in June 323 B.C. with mysterious causes of death that are still argued today. He died as the greatest conqueror of all time and an inspiration to many. Historians are finding amazing new things about Alexander to this day that continue to amaze eve ryone and add to his greatness. Sukh Singh Period 2 December 4, 2014 Alexander the Great Alexander III of Macedon, commonly called Alexander the Great, was one of the greatest military geniuses of all time. He was conqueror and king of Macedonia, Persia, Babylon, and, Asia. Alexander was born around July 30th, 356 B.C. and virtually conquered the world before he was 30. Along with this, Alexander is known for many other accomplishments andShow MoreRelatedAlexander The Great : Report1250 Words   |  5 PagesAlexander the Great Report By: Tanner Johnson â€Æ' In 356 B.C.E., a young boy was born who would one day rule almost the entire known world. His name was Alexander III, eventually Alexander the Great. His father was Philip II, king of Macedonia. 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