Thursday, May 14, 2020

Global Economic Trends Ireland - 3169 Words

Tallinn University of Technology Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration Global Economic Trends Individual Work: â€Å"Ireland† Professor: Ricardo Vicente Student: Roksolana Sliusar Tallinn 2014 Content Introduction 1. General information about Ireland 2. Globalization in Ireland 2.1 General globalization information 2.2 Ireland Political Globalization 2.3 Ireland Social globalization 2.4 Ireland Economic Globalization Conclusion 2 Introduction When I was thinking about that I would like to write in individual work I checked a lot of information about different regions. But then Ireland attracted my attention. I found this country interesting because Ireland to mid-80s tried unsuccessfully to find ways to accelerate†¦show more content†¦The island est.) was Christianized from the 5th century National Holiday: Saint Patrick s Day, March 17 onward. Following the Norman invasion in the 12th century, England claimed sovereignty over Ireland. However, English rule did not extend over the whole island until the 16th–17th century Tudor conquest. This led to colonisation of Ireland by settlers from Britain. In the 1690s, a system of Protestant English rule was designed to materially disadvantage the Catholic majority and Protestant dissenters, and was extended during the 18th century. In 1801, Ireland became a part of the United Kingdom. A war of independence in the early 20th century was followed by the partition of the island, creating the Irish Free State, which became increasingly sovereign over the following decades, and Northern Ireland which remained a part of the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland saw much civil unrest from the late 1960s until the 1990s. This subsided following a political agreement in 1998. In 1973, both parts of Ireland joined the European Economic Community [4]. Census 2011 results show that Ireland’s population has continued to grow strongly since Census 2006, increasing by 348,404 persons to 4,588,252 persons. This represents an increase of 8.2 per cent over the 5 year intercensal period, an annual average increase of 1.6 per cent. The previous annual average increase between Census 2002Show MoreRelatedExplore the Trends and Issues of the International Conference Industry and How These Trends and Issues Might Impact on the Irish Conference Market1274 Words   |  6 PagesExplore the trends and issues of the international conference industry and how these trends and issues might impact on the Irish conference market. The meetings, incentives, conferences and events industry is continuing to grow and develop. During low seasons for tourist destinations the MICE industry generates income for venues and other suppliers for the industry. Globally trends and issues within the MICE industry are arising annually. 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