Saturday, February 22, 2020

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 52

Assignment Example He cites several reasons towards this. The most prominent cause of the high levels of arrest amount individuals in this bracket is the weeding out of wealthy individuals. This means that police tend not to put a critical focus on crimes that are committed by individuals who have some form of financial ability (Reiman & Leighton, 2010). This has led to the profiling of such individuals as individuals with potential of committing crime. The police profiling is based on the theory of comparing the magnitude of the crime and the levels of income earned. Therefore, when an individual in the middle-income brackets commits a petty crime may walk away with just but a mere warning without arrest. In addition to profiling of the individuals, the author puts out an argument in the road toward prison. He acknowledges that the police regularly investigate individuals who have the least levels of political and economic clout (Reiman & Leighton, 2010). Therefore, a case on a petty crime such as non-aggravated assault and shoplifting may quickly go cold if the key suspect of a crime if the person has any potential or significant political or economic influence. Therefore leaving the individuals in the lower end if the income bracket most vulnerable to arrest Notable is the high conviction rates of individuals in the lower income bracket than in the higher bracket. According to Reidman, the topic of guilt or not guilty is highly affected by the individual’s ability to secure funds that are necessary for acquiring legal counsel or even be freed on bail. As both of them require access to a significant amount of money, it is not a shock that individuals who are likely to be convicted of a crime. Studies have indicated that unemployed individuals and individual who do not have the ability to make bail are three times more likely to be

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Final Project Milestone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Final Project Milestone - Essay Example This book also deals with radicalism revolving round and throbbing on a platform of religion. The book â€Å"Milestone† also focuses on issue concerned with politics yet religion cannot be completely separated from the topical discussion within the context of the book. The issues of politics and religion operating hand in hand is a very commonplace idea but the representation of this serious issue in an unique style because the execution in 1964 for the cause of a movement and establishing a moral, social order and attainment of justice, Qutb gave his life. A document written just few years before his death bears some strong arguments which are innovative and novice at any level and therefore, the book indeed is a milestone in the cannon of political books. Like the name of the book, it bears quite a few epoch making doctrines pertaining to Islamic radicalism and its effect and implementation in the western countries, which made it very much true to its name. Whether with the translated name of â€Å"Milestone† or often known with the name of Signposts, the book is unique in its style, content and representation. The book is a burning document on the issues like racial equality and