Friday, December 27, 2019

Counselling Theories Essay - 1212 Words

Counselling Theories Assessment 1 1. Explain the concept of nature versus nurture, using yourself as a case study to illustrate the theory. The concept of nature versus nurture is that human behaviour is influenced by genetic information inherited from our parents and also by environmental and social influences. My appearance such as short sightedness and pigmentation (freckles) I inherited from my parents. This means like my father I must wear glasses to drive and many other aspects of my daily life. Being a woman this heightens my social awareness as how others perceive me. Society dictates ‘the body beautiful’. Magazines, Bill-boards, TV and newspapers constantly suggest the need to have a perfect complexion. This influences†¦show more content†¦Explain how the ego, id and superego interact. Use an example from your own experience. ï€ ª Id: Describes the biological or instinctive response. This is our original personality we are born with and controls responses in the early stage of life. ï€ ª Ego: In this second developmental stage, compromises in instinctive responses to environmental circumstances begin to develop. The ego mediates with the id by considering the rules of the real world and the consequences of actions taken in that world. ï€ ª Superego: This is that part of our psyche that determines how we think we should react in a given situation. This is the development of morals, what is right and what is wrong. It is a further development of control over the id response. An example from my own experience is say when I see a piece of cake on display. My id tells me I want to eat the piece of cake, my ego says are you really that hungry. My superego rationalises the situation and asks if I eat the cake unnecessarily, a possible consequence is I will put on weight and so is this the right thing to do? 4. Identify one strength and one weakness of Freud’s concept of the ego, id and superego in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour. One advantage of Freud’s concept of the ego, id and superego in relation to understanding human development and individual behaviour is that it gives a good overall description of development of the human psyche. It recognises theShow MoreRelatedCounselling Theories1817 Words   |  8 PagesASSIGNMENT 1: COUNSELLING THEORIES Question 1: Briefly describe the key concepts PSYCHOANAYLYTIC THERAPY This study explored the method of psychoanalytic therapy which was originated by Sigmund Freud as basically deterministic, in the Freudian’s view of human nature. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Short Note On My Experience With Alzheimer s Disease

Kids, as you know, I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease a couple of months ago. I already have some trouble remembering my precious recipes that make all of you so happy on every little and big family celebration. Sometimes I even forget where my keys are or where I’m heading. Daily events like taking the subway and trying to sing my all-time favorite songs are certainly an odyssey. But that’s ok. Those are trifles. Although my long-term memory is still quite functional, what keeps me up at night is thinking that someday I will forget how I met your father and how incredible it felt the first time we made love. I will forget the inexplicable feeling of holding you two for the first time after carrying you inside of me for nine months. I might even forget all the words that took me so long to learn from the English dictionary that my ESL teacher gave me 20 years ago. I might forget who I am. Or perhaps how to love. You know little about my life before coming to New York, and that is something I am not proud of. Neither is your dad. I apologize for avoiding your curiosity about my life for so long. In my defense, I’m a practical woman and, for the most part, I believe that if one’s words are not going to make any positive impact, they should remain as thoughts. But before all my good and bad memories are gone, and my brain becomes a useless piece of muscle, I want to tell you about my life in my native Chile. 1973 was a life-changing year for many Chileans. AugustoShow MoreRelatedLong Term Facilities And Their Levels Of Service, And Financing For Individuals Who Are Facing The Challenge Of2902 Words   |  12 Pagespaper will be to explore available long-term services, long-term facilities and their levels of service, and financing for individuals who are facing the challenge of Alzheimer s disease. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Reevaluating History China Economic Boom â€Mhyassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Reevaluating History China Economic Boom? Answer: Introducation The situation here is consistent with the law of supply and demand. Increase in the supply of bananas in the market will result to a decrease in the demand for bananas since consumers will have more to purchase at their disposal. As a result, demand will fall as evidenced by the shift in the demand curves above downward to the left i.e AD0-AD1.An increase in the supply of bananas will not only result to a fall in the demand but will also result to a fall in prices for the bananas form Pe to Pe. Overly, the changes above will ultimately result to the shift on the equilibrium level from E0 to E1. Effect of increase in peoples income Increase in peoples income would result to improvement in the peoples purchasing power in the market thereby resulting to creation of excess demand for the bananas in the market consequently leading to the shift in the demand curves towards the left. The supply side of the market would also respond to the newly created excess demand by marketing more supplies. This would be depicted by the shift in the supply curves towards the right. With the increase in real income among the consumers, creation of excess demand will push down the prices in the market after some time. Equilibrium price level will also fall owing to the shift in the supply curve. The explanation above is reflected in the illustration below. The performance of economy can be determined based on whether recession or boom based on the main macroeconomic indicators such as inflation, Exports, Gross Domestic Output and unemployment. Recession refers to the economic phase where a countrys economy experiences low levels of GDP, low business confidence, high inflation rates, high rates of unemployment, low levels of exports against imports(Christiano, Eichenbaum and Trabandt, 2015).On the other hand, boom phase of an economy is characterized by high growth in the levels of GDP, high levels of business confidence, low inflation levels within the healthy levels, high rate of employment, and high levels of exports against imports (Brandt and Rawski, 2014). Just from the basic explanation of economic recession and economic boom above, the conclusion about economic performance of china for the year 2016 can be concluded on the basis of inflation, business confidence and export levels for that year. Right from the illustration of inflation rate over this period, it can be observed that inflation rate remained at productive levels over the period (Orphanides, 2003).Healthy inflation results to the creation of business confidence thereby creating an assurance for optimal returns by investors, achieved through adoption of business expansion plans. Similarly, it can be observed that based on the trend of the unemployment curve, unemployment remained at low levels and further declined later on. This is a sufficient proof that Chinas economy had experienced boom. Nevertheless, the level of exports remained high too over the period. Based on the trend of export curves, it can be observed that exports sharply increased throughout the year. Despite the fact that there was a drop in business confidence as evidenced by the business confidence curve above, it grew sharply throughout 2006. Aggregate demand refers to the total demand for goods and services in the economy. Aggregate demand is a function of employment, inflation rate and the level of exports. Unemployment rates remained high between 2005 and 2006.Inflation also fell sharply over this period. Overly, Chinas exports kept on increasing over this period. Low business confidence is never healthy for an economy. Low or lack of business confidence not only lowers a countrys GDP but also hinders growth in employment. The performance of an economy is fundamentally determined by the level of GDP, inflation, the rate of unemployment, balance of trade, and the level of government against Gross Domestic Product. Based on Chinas macroeconomic indicators for the year 2017 above, it can be observed that the economy is at boom. This is evidenced by considerably by a significant fall in unemployment rate (0.5%) management to the previous period, a significant improvement in the level of balance of trade (10.06%) and considerably low ratio of government debt to Gross Domestic Product. References Brandt, L., Ma, D., Rawski, T. G. (2014). From divergence to convergence: reevaluating the history behind China's economic boom.Journal of Economic Literature,52(1), 45-123 Christiano, L. J., Eichenbaum, M. S., Trabandt, M. (2015). Understanding the great recession.American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,7(1), 110-167. Orphanides, A. (2003). The quest for prosperity without inflation.Journal of monetary Economics,50(3), 633-663.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Wife Of Bath Essays - Kingdom Hearts Characters,

Wife Of Bath The Wife of Bath, Dame Alice is quite a spiteful woman even though she desires only a few simple things in life; power and control. Through her prologue and tale, she makes mirror images of herself , which reflects the person who she really is. Dame Alice desires the obvious in life, but what she most desires above all is being more powerful than her man, her spouse, and her lover. In a relationship, she wishes to be dominant, the one who has the last to say, the one who has control over all things in the relationship. This can be first seen in her prologue, I'll have a husband yet who shall be both my debtor and my slave and bear his tribulation to the grave upon his flesh, as long as I'm his wife. For mine shall be the power all his life over his proper body, and not he?(55-59). It is then shown again in her tale when knight returns the castle and fulfills the task assigned by the queen, a woman wants the self-same sovereignty over her husband as over her lover, and master him; he must not be above her (174-176). Yet another example of Dame Alice's wish to be dominant is presented later in the tale told by her. The old hag, after marrying the knight, gives him a choice. It was either to have her old and ugly but faithful or young and pretty but wonder off. You have two choices; which one will you try? To have me old and ugly till I die, but still loyal, true, and humble wife that will never displease you all her life, or would you rather I were young and pretty and chance your arm what happens in the city where friends will visit you because of me, yes, and on other places too, maybe.(309-316) By comparing the Wife of Bath's prologue to her tale, it is quite obvious that Dame Alice wants to be the old hag. In some aspects, Dame Alice can be said to be jealous of the old hag. After all, the hag was given power and dominance over her husband. In Dame Alice's true life it was not completely true. The husbands that Dame Alice had, three of them were good and two were bad. (92) The three that she had were called 'good' because they were rich and old?(93) Dame Alice had complete control over them. But for her fourth and fifth husband, there was another story. The fourth one cheated on her and the fifth one, Johnny, she loved most, the one I took for love and not for wealth?(339) And it is because she loved him so that she gave up everything to Johnny. I handed him the money, lands, and all that ever had been given me before; this I repented later. . .(401-403) From this it can be seen that Johnny had the upper hand. And of course, this is not what Dame Alice desire. However, in her tale, the old hag has the power in the relationship. She is given the choice of what to do and when to do it, you make the choice yourself?(322). Dame Alice had the option of choosing taken away from her when she gave everything to Johnny. The major similarity between Dame Alice and the old hag is the appearance. Both Dame Alice and the hag are not very attractive and both are old. Dame Alice is describes herself as I was forty then, to tell the truth. But still, I always had a coltish tooth. Yes, I'm gap toothed; it suits me well?(394-396). The old hag is described by the knight in the tale as old, and so abnomably plain, so poor to start with, so low-bred to follow?(236-237). The old hag is then described as being old and fouler then a fen(303). After Dame Alice's tale is told, it is simple to see that all she wants is what every woman wants in a relationship, the self-same sovereignty over her husband as over her lover, and master him; he must not be above her.(175,tale) And it is because of this desire for power that Dame